воскресенье, 4 марта 2012 г.

Southwest move good for travelers - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

But Midwest, battered by high fuel costs and theeconomicx downturn, is a shell of what it once was due to significan t cuts of staff and routes. Its movesd have changed the competitive landscape in Milwaukee and opened the door for twoof Midwest’zs big competitors — AirTran Airways and Southwesy Airlines — to come into the market. Southwes announced last week that it will start service inMilwauke Nov. 1 with up to 10 daily flights. This comexs at the same time AirTran, whichg tried to acquire Midwest twoyears ago, keepsz expanding its service in an attempf to gobble up the markert share lost by Midwest.
The resultingv “air wars” is good news for Milwaukee-area business travelers, most of whom are lookintg for deals in the currenttough economy. Southwest’sw entry into the market will mean increased competitiohn and likely will lead tolowerd fares. Southwest’s entry also will expand the customert base for General MitchellInternationakl Airport. Southwest has a big followinfg at Midway Airport in Chicago and northerhn Illinois residents likely will be enticed by the shorter drivwe to Milwaukee to catch a Southwest The announcement also is good economicc development news during the ongoingtough times.
Southwest CEO Gary Kelly vows to hire up to 45 employees to start and growMilwaukees “into a very substantial operation” for the airline.

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