пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

LCI Inc. lowest bidder for Beale Street Landing

million, is the low bidder for the third phasde of BealeStreet Landing, including the helical ramp and floating dock, which will be built off-site and floatede down to the project. The contract will be awardes in late July orearly August. Construction on the $30.67 million Beale Street Landing has been delayed due to theMississippio River’s high water levels in the spring, but work is expectec to start back up lated this month. It is projected to be finished inspringh 2011. Lendermon also updated the RDC board durinfg its monthly meeting June 22 on the pedestrianb bridge which would connect Confederate Park withthe ’ new law schooll Downtown.
The RDC is waiting for work at the law schooll to be completed and coulsd start the bridge construction in Lendermon also called the historic cobblestone restoration next to Bealee StreetLanding “a work in The RDC has proposesd a sidewalk along the Mississippi Rivef that would connect Beale Street Landing and Jeffersoh Davis Park, but there has been some public oppositionh to it. Also, the RDC has proposed walkwayss leading down to the wateer and the proposedwaterfronty sidewalk. There is a publidc hearing scheduled in August to addresdsthese issues, Lendermon said.
co-founder Frank Ricksa and planner/urban designer Steve Auterman, joined by ownee Traci Sampson, updated the board on a land use study for Mud The study, which runs from Marcbh to October, has consisted of four publicv meetings, online surveys and 14 stakeholder meetings. So far, three specific amenities have kept coming up during public a world-class skatepark, the Grand Carousel from Libertyland and an aquarium.
Looney Ricks Kiss drew up five genera possibilities forMud Island, rangingb from slight modifications to completely changing the These included adding a pedestrian bridge to the tip of Mud new boat slips, mixed-use commercial development, the Zippin Pippin roller-coaster ride, more parkland and a Mississippio River Institute, among many othet ideas. Once completed, this public input phasr could lead to a master plan for Mud guiding development ofthe site.

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