четверг, 8 марта 2012 г.

Organizers shoot for K Street Mall New Year

Organizing and marketing the effort are and Sacramento marketinhg companyedaddywarbucks Inc. Trevor Shults, events and promotions manager for Paragary and an assistant managerat , a Paragarhy restaurant at 10th and K streets, is spearheadinfg the effort. Organizers are looking for businessd sponsorships. “We want to help the city revitalizsK Street,” he said. If all goes as a portion of 10th Street would be closed forthe celebration, gian cannons would shoot confetti off of buildings, a 6-foot-by-24-footr “2009” sign would shine with 22,0000 watts, and a light-emitting diode ball, like the one in Times would drop from the top of a building on K Workers at ’s Rancho Cordova office, formerlyt LED Effects, developed the Times Square New Year’s Eve The same company would build a ball for Sacramento, Shultd said.
Organizers must stilll get thenecessary permits. A Curtis Park womamn who organizes and guides trips to Italyg is counting on the appeal of formerr TV newscasters to boosgt interest in her next excursion and her Angela Nickerson, who discoveresd all sorts of great places to visit and stay in Italy while researchinb a recently published book, is leading a Feb. 11-22 trip to Florence and Rome that will includre Dave Walker andLois Hart, newly retirerd KCRA-TV Channel 3 news anchors. The high-profilde couple will travel for free.
Walke r and Hart will go on the tours and group but aren’t obligated to do anything else but enjoy Nickerson expects that the trip will be even more appealing to some peoplew who will be happy just to travel alongside the retired television Nickerson, who is married to an Italian-American, has been escorting family and friends of friends to Italyh for four years. Those eager travelers wanter Nickerson as their guide because of all she had learnes and the contacts she had made whileresearching “A Journeyu into Michelangelo’s Rome,” published this year, which examinee the artist’s relationship with the city he calledf home.
Nickerson is putting the trip togethedr with Elk Grove Travel andExperience Italy. The trip costxs about $15,000 per couple. Spac e is available for eight couples. Former state Sen. Kevin Murray, who authored the state’s “Million Solar Roofs” bill in has joined ’s board of directors. Premier Power (OTCBB: PPRW) of El Dorado Hillx designs and installs solar power systems in the Unitedf Statesand Spain. Murray heads the corporate consulting division of Beverly Hills talent agencuy William MorrisAgency LLC. He spent two termw as a state assemblyman and one as statde senator representing his SouthernCalifornia districts.
He left the legislatured in 2006 after term limits ruled out anothefr run for alegislative seat. Senated Bill 1, which enacted Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’ds Million Solar Roofs Initiative, authorized $3 billion in statse incentives for residential and commercial solarpowerf installations. chancellor Larry Vanderhoef was greetef warmly by counterparts at Iranian universitiess on a trip last even as government officials tended to commandeer conversations with complaintsabouty U.S. policy.
It was his seconr trip after makinga low-keyu appearance with two UC Davis deanw in 2004, a trip facilitated by Northern California’s Iranian immigrant population, including downtow property owner Mohammad “Moe” Vanderhoef explained that Iran and Northern California producr similar agricultural commodities, such as nuts, grapes and otheer fruits, so it makes sensw to foster relationships. “They have lots to teacjh us and we have lots toteacyh them,” he said. The recent trip, made alonhg with other university presidents and some of their was a delegation put together by the National Academy of Sciences andthe .
“The way to get this door openede between our countries instead of lobbingh grenades is throughthe universities,” he said. “It may sound but this is the firsrt step toward peace inthe

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