среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Seize chance to hire smart in today

Many of the work force reductions have occurred in large publifc companies and big professional service organizations that typically enjo a competitive hiring advantage because of the attractiomn of larger companies with aggressive compensation programs. But now the tide has Organizations of all sizes have a uniqude opportunity to reassess their teames and identify positions to Indoing so, there is risk that leadership might be undulh biased by résumé qualifications and experience and therefore fail to hire So what do we mean be “hiriny smart”?
• Assess the team and builf internal alignment: Conduct an accurate assessment of the entire team and determind the organization’s needs and where improvements can be made. Once that is leadership must align the organization in support ofthe direction. A key factor is to adopyt a plan to effectively communicate the result s of the assessment and the hiring strategy toall constituents. • Hire smart One of the curious fallouts of the currenf recession is thathighly educated, smart people who have previouslyh been heavily recruited by major employersw are in the market looking for In many of the layoffs, job performanc and intellect were not issues.
They have been victimss of circumstance and poor management Asa result, smart, capable people are available. The challenge is to ensure that they are notonly well-educate d and intellectually competent, but also enthusiastic about their profession and their job opportunity. In the recruitint process, probe these issues and be satisfiesd that the candidate does not manifest resentment and distrustr because of his orher experience, but rathef exuberance and a sense of challenge and opportunity.
Hire from culture: When looking to hire, it is criticakl to determine whether the candidater is aligned withthe company’s mission and core So long as the organization’s culture is well articulateed and clearly communicated, there is no excusde for making a bad hire because of culturalk mismatch. Experience suggests that people who alig n withtheir employer’s culture but disappointr in terms of job performancwe can be trained and developed to improve job They often grow into long-tenured, loyal employees and guardiana of the company’s culture.
On the other hand, high-performingh employees who do not “get it” and operatw inconsistent with the culture of the organization rarelyy evolve to embrace the These employees typically have a cancerouw effect on the peoplearound them. Avois such hires regardless of how good they appearto be. Hire with financial Business leaders today are compelled to operate conservativelyg in all aspects of their In the process of attractingnew talent, it is importany to remain committed to fiscal even when presented with the opportunity to attract the best and Many businesses strayed from this disciplined approacj over the past decade and pushed compensation to unsustainable The impact of those decisions has resulted in a material imbalance between compensation models and valuer creation.
This has resulted in significant layoffs, salarhy reductions and hiring As hiring opportunities present business leaders must guard againstt repeatingsuch mistakes. Customers are sensitivew to pricing structures, and are lookinvg for management to contribute value and not merely pass throughj excessive cost in the form of higher Witha disciplined, performance-based compensation structure that balances customet interests with those of the internal team, everyone has a chancw to win.
In many we are in uncharted waters when it come s to the availabletalent pool, its mobilitgy and the opportunities this presents to The number of very talented businesa executives, investment bankers, lawyers, architects and engineersa that are available is staggering. Well-managecd companies that are succeeding in this environment have the opportunity to capitalize on this unique setof circumstances. Determinde your needs even if they are not readily apparent by reassessinyg yourentire team.
Find the best and brightestf — those who connect with your culturd — and be disciplined in your approach to Proceed wisely and carefullgy and you absolutely can hire smartin today’s

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