million in revenue. It’ws the seventh year in a row the hospital finished the year with a positiveoperating 2.8 percent. The hospital said because it is a positive finances are referred to as an operatingh margin ratherthan profits. The operatinv margin will be used to reinvestg in the facilitiesand equipment, the hospital said. “Thesde are challenging times for any healtjhcare organization,” said Laurence Kelly, Littauer’s president and CEO. “Ths sector has been wrought with fluctuation and chaos becausw of budget and reimbursement changes coupled with theplummetinfg stockmarket. ...
I do not know of any hospita in our region that has operatedd in the black during all of theseseven years.” Kelly said the recenty financial results is change from the hospital'w historical results. "Nathan Littauer is a small he said. "It's the smallest hospital in theCapital Region. And it didn't used to be I can tell you in the 80s and 90s the hospitap lost money from operations 16 of those20 years." He said the hospital'ws 900 employees have provided insights into what changea needed to be made and as a the hospital has improved its finances. "Aes hospital is only as good as its medical Kelly said.
"And a successfukl hospital has to havesuccessful doctors. If you have reallyt good doctors, and you help them be you'll have a successful hospital." The hospitap was praised by the . "Forf Nathan Littauer Hospital to come through such difficulf times without sustaining an operating loss is a rare saidDaniel Sisto, HANYS president.
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