четверг, 14 апреля 2011 г.

Solar power group to discuss benefits of hosting generating facilities - Phoenix Business Journal:

A series of experts will discuss the potentiakl for buildings with large roof space or parkiny lots to house solar unitxs to offset electric costs for owners or as a host forotherr users. Organizers say two things are cominf into play this year that coulf help spur commercial demand inthis sectors. The firsgt is the $185 million Arizona is using to encouragwe weatherization and energy efficiencyin buildings. The second is $55 milliomn in federal stimulus funds to install renewableeenergy equipment. The society also plans to unveil a businese plan on Thursday that could create thousands of new officials said.
Speakers will includwe Jane Pater, Summit Blue; Tony Tewelis, Arizona Public Service Co.; Robert Hoskins, Arizona Solar Installation Training Program; Scotrt Young, Sky Engineering; Ryan Hurley, Rose Law Group; Kate Recurrent Energy; and Brian Rasmussen, BrightSource Energy. The event will be held from 7 to9 p.m. at the Hyat t at Gainey Ranch, 7500 E. Doubletree Ranch Road in For more: 480-218-4441.

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