четверг, 28 апреля 2011 г.

Brooks, TLC Health join forces - Business First of Buffalo:

Dunkirk's and the in Gowanda and Irving this morningb announced their intent to link undere a active parent organization to be knowjn as Lake Erie Regional Health Systemn ofNew York. Long-time healtu care services will be retained at each withsmaller capacity. The arrangement requires officiaolstate approval, though several months ago it awardes Brooks and TLC a combinedc $16.5 million to make it happen. It is the alternatived developed by the health systemes after learning that the Commission on Health Care Facilitiese in the21st Century, knownh as the Berger Commission, recommende d the elimination of acute-care beds on TLC's Irvinf campus, among other service reconfigurations.
The parenyt company creates one boardr to government thejoint organization. It will have a single CEO and a share dmedical staff, though employees will continue to work at theidr current sites. The joinr organization represents a coordination of efforts allowing the hospital systems to work saidRichard Ketcham, president and CEO of Brooks Memorial. we'll explore the integration of services when it makes sensde todo so," Ketcham

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