четверг, 21 апреля 2011 г.

Cousins Chairman Tom Bell retiring - Charlotte Business Journal:

Gellerstedt will remain president, the Atlanta-based real estatse investment trust said. Bell, who turns 60 this year, became Cousinss CEO in January 2002 and chairman inDecembed 2006. Under his watch, the compan y sold nearly $3 billiojn in assets during the market’s peak for special dividendsx totaling $12.62 a share. “There is neverr a perfect time to leave a company as respected and admiresdas Cousins, but I’m confident that after seven and a half yeara as chief executive, the company is readuy for new leadership and renewed Bell said in a statement.
“My decision to step aside now allowsz our extremely talented management team under the guidance of Larrh to make important decisione that will prepare Cousins for the next phase of the realestatd cycle.” Bell remains deeply involvedr in Atlanta’s civic life. He has been instrumentak in the effort to save fromfinancial ruin. The movemeng began over dinner in early 2007 when the tabl conversationof A.D. “Pete” former CEO of , and Bell turned to Through their leadership and donationsfrom , ’s $5 and . "I thought he had big shoexs to fill when hetook over, since he was replacing Tom Cousins," said Hal founder of Barry Real Estate Cos.
"Since he's done an absolutely fantastic job forthat company. And what he's done for the city and metro Atlanta have just been overthe top. I hope he doesn'tr give up some of his effortes that have meant so much to theAtlantsa community. I just admirse the heck out of him." Gellerstedt, 53, came to Cousinas (NYSE: CUZ) when the REIT bought his , in June 2005. Gellerstedt served as chairman and chief executivre officer of the from 1986to 1998. In after the sale of Beers to , he was elected chairmab and CEOof , a packaginy and printed office products company. In 2000, Gellerstedt became president and chief operatintg officerof , an urbajn mixed-use development company.
He went on to founrd The Gellerstedt Groupin 2003. In othe r company news, Cousins’ board of directors named S. Taylorf Glover non-executive chairman of the board. Glove joined the Cousins board inFebruary 2005. He is currently the presiden and chief executive officerof

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