воскресенье, 4 сентября 2011 г.

Business Alliance joins corporate tax fray - Houston Business Journal:

The proposal, put forward by Houswe and Senate Democrats, would boosft the state’s corporate minimum tax from thecurrent $10 levep to between $150, for companiese earning less than $500,000, and $100,000 for companies earning more than $250 “The $10 Oregon corporate minimum tax has becomd a source of public scrutiny and controversy,” wrote Steve the group's chair, in a news release. “We agree that the minimumm tax shouldbe adjusted, but believe the changes must be modesr and reasonable as the minimum taxes all whether they are profitable or not.
” Holwerda, chiefc operating officer of Portland’s Ferguson Wellman Capitak Management, added that the proposal “woulde be a major disincentive to operating a business in Oregojn and is particularly harmful to businesses that are alreadg losing money.” Holwerda sent a letterr to the group's members a day aftert Democrats have revised a May proposal that would have chargef a minimum between $250 and $60,000. The group also calledf for the state to use rainyhday funds, reserve funds and stimuluxs money to help solve Oregon’e $4.2 billion shortfall.
The group further expressed concern about “what appears to be an ‘anti-business’ sentiment” in “For our state to be all sectors need to be successful and we need to join togethee to make that happen,” Holwerda

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