воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011 г.

Recovery Web sites continue emerging at state and local levels - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

But tracking stimulus opportunities in terms of allocatee money has been a saidBetty Carlin, director of communications at the , the seven-countuy business expansion, development and retention organization, basef in Tampa. “Even though it’s one it’s one huge bill and it is goinh through lots of different Carlin said. It’s possible to look at grant but then there are energy projects and otherd pots of money withdifferent “It runs the gamut,” she said.
The Partnershilp has been working to provide detail on its Web site across many differenrt sectors and aggregating information from some of the othere public sector sites with the goal of providingf Recovery Act information on everything from opportunities at MacDill Air Forced Base to health care andhospitakl systems. For those charged with maintainingg theWeb sites, there’s no exacy science right now. “Even thoughy there are lots of sites, all are struggling with how do youcapture it, and we’re workingt on that but it’s all stillk really fluid,” Carlin said. Flarecovery.
com Since the ’s site has provided statewide stimulus-related information in the arease ofhealth care, education, jobs and tax relief, often in the form of media Pinellascounty.org/recovery Pinellas County created a site to track its portiojn of stimulus dollars. The site’s “fund charts show funding the county has applied for and the fundingh it hasbeen awarded. Scgov.net/recovery Sarasota County’x site tracks stimulus dollars from statd and federalgovernment agencies, and offers details on regulationsa and deadlines.
The site includesw graphs illustrating the flow of a list ofproposed projects, and links to Americajn Recovery and Reinvestment Act handbooks and resource Hernandocounty.us/mpo/mpoprograms.htm The Hernando metropolitan planning organization site has a link to a charrt that lists adopted stimulus projects in the county ranginbg up to $17.2 million within the jurisdictions of county, MPO and FDOT. Tampagov.net/recovery The city of Tampa site providese stimulus updates and links to other online stimulus The site contains PDFs of planss within the city and a graph showiny the status of additionalfundinf opportunities. St. Petersburg Stpete.org/recovery/stimulus_funds.
aspo Divided into eight spending areasincluding housing, education and public St. Petersburg’s site contains a lengthgy chart showing funding plannex ineach category. tampabay.org/subpages/Stimulus.asp Tampa Bay Partnershi has been working with organizations throughoutr the region to keep a strong focus on securing real investmentsz in ourregional economy.

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