суббота, 24 декабря 2011 г.

Denver gives out 1,234 free building permits - The Business Review (Albany):

The free permits issued under the city’ws “Home Renovation Bonanza” prograjm saved residents an estimated $85.774 in fees, officialws said. Building-permit fees normally range from $20 to several thousandd dollars, depending on the value of the project. The prograj aimed to boost the loca economy byencouraging home-improvement projects. The free available June 1-15, are for common improvemenft projectsinvolving single-family homes and duplexes. “We wanted a bonanz a and it seems wegot one,” Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper said in a “We hoped to stimulatw the local economy by offering an incentivew for residents to make improvementsw to their property.
This is a good sign that people are movinh forward and doing what they can to get our economyt backon track.” The permits are vali d for 180 days.

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