вторник, 1 мая 2012 г.

Glant tries to defy odds with Northwest Group - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

has a physical office locatio in downtown Seattle and agents whowork full-time and know all of each other’es customers. A plasma television plays a tailored welcome message to each client when they walk into the downtowmSeattle office. The business has a professional but Glant and his team stillproduce glossy, printed marketing materia for their properties. What’s also unusua l is that Glant is 29, seemingly the perfect age to be wooed by the movement toward online selling and buying rather thanthe mom-and-pop agentsx of yesteryear. Glant, who founded his company in Januaryu 2008, admits he’s conservative when it comes to buildinga business.
Basically, he’s wooed more by stellar companuy culture than the trend ofthe day. “I’mj a little old school for my age,” he “I don’t like fad real estate, I like qualitu real estate.” He’s also a bit Glant launched Northwest Group Real Estate earlylast year, even though he said he knew the markety was “heading toward a little bit of a That didn’t deter him from throwing $63,000 into starting the company and quicklty hiring six agents to get the firm “The only way a company can flourish is if it starts during a market that is challenging,” he Before he started the business, Glant, a business school graduate, worked at both commercial and residential real estate companies before starting NWG.
His goal was to form a real estatd brokerage that combined the professionalism associated with commercial real estate with what he callz the emotional aspects of buyinga home. He also was adaman t that the company remain smalk and focused on its mission ofselling “We don’t want to be a jack of all tradews and a master of none,” he said. Afterr more than a year in the company now has nine agentss and saw revenues ofabouft $700,000 last year. The housing market downturn was steeper thanGlanyt expected, but he said the companyt has still managed between six and 12 dealse a month.
Glant attributess the strength of the companyh to his team of some ofwhom he’s hired from rival firms Coldwell Banke Bain and Windermere after weedingt through dozens of local job applications. Each agent has his or her own with focuses onnew construction, condominiums and the luxur market, among other areas. The close-knit team is one of the reasonsx the company has fared so well during the Glant said.
They’ve been able to support each othee during weeks when nosales occurred, helping to build

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