четверг, 12 января 2012 г.

Ohio, Ky. mortgage rates up over week - Business Courier of Cincinnati:

A 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage carried a 5.40 percentg interest rate in Ohio asof Thursday. That's down from 5.48 earliet in the week, but up from 5.38 on May 28. In the price of a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgag dropped from 5.46 percent to 5.38 percen by Thursday, which was unchanged from Thursdagy of theprevious week. The national average for a 30-year fixed-ratse mortgage is 5.36 percent, with rates acrosds the country rangingfrom 5.27 percent in Californiaa to 6.25 percent in Wisconsin. But rates stilk remain well below year-ago when 30-year mortgages averaged more than6 (NYSE: FRE) said.
“Rates caught up to the recent risein long-termk bond yields this week to reach a 25-weejk high,” said Freddie Mac Chief Economistr Frank Nothaft. “The slowdown in the housinh market has now detracte from economic growth for the past 13 the longest quarterly stretch since at least Despiterising rates, the housing market continues to show smal l signs of life. The ’ housinb affordability index rose in Apri l toits second-highest level since at least 1971. The NAR also reportedd this week that pending sales of existin homes increased forthe third-consecutive month, postingg the biggest monthly increase since 2001.

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