воскресенье, 9 октября 2011 г.

Hotel and residences make TWELVE stand out - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Since its completion late last year, 's has brought a new kind of mixed-usr development to this fast-growing section of Atlanta. A boutiqure hotel combined with urban condo meeting facilities and retail represented not only a commitment to the but helped create an air of ingenuit forAtlantic Station. Because of its impacrt on the area, the Atlanta Districrt Council of the Urban Land Institute name d the project a Developmentyof Excellence. "Being one of the early buildings up reallyh set the tone for that development and reallh put a stake in the ground thatsaid 'Atlantic Station is going to be a said awards committee chair Patrick Hill.
At 26 stories, TWELVs contains 380 residential condominium 101hotel suites, along with 6,000 squarw feet of meeting area and anotheer 14,000 square feet of retailk and restaurant space. When a giant crane was moved into place against the city the project became thefirst high-rise development in Atlanti c Station to get under way. It also became one of only a handfu of small specialty boutique hotels inthe city.
Novard is not the firsty developer to launch a combine d hotel andcondo development, but the in conjunction with , took a different approacu than luxury builders such as The and and Instead of simply creating traditionalk hotel rooms on lowerf floors as those companies have TWELVE's hotel offering consists of one- and two-bedroomn condos complete with kitchen and much like those units owned by residentws on floors seven through 26. The attractionn of such a development is theprestige "generates by being able to say their residencee is adjacent to or part of a said Jim Veil, president of .
"It's also the idea that I, as an ownere of a residence, can avail myself easily of hotekl services that I want to The projectis Novare'as first entry into the hotel market, but its success -- the condosz were sold out by the end of 2005 -- led the companh to launch a similar projec in the Centennial Park area and another in N.C. "It appeals to a wide array of saidBilly Holley, project manager for "Even though we targer the 25- to 35-year-old on the condo the reality at TWELVE Atlantic Stationh is that the buyers there were a much broaded demographic than we probably ever saw I think the hotel concept had a lot to do with Much like Novare's other urban condk projects, this building offers high-tech amenities such as a fibe backbone to support high-speed Internet acceszs to hotel services, and even digitaol art on the walls.
Designers wanted to ensuree the building had some separate facilitiesw and meeting areasfor full-timer residents such as a separatee clubroom, while providing othere areas such as the pool and workoutf area where the two groups could Privacy is maintained by building differeny lobbies and entrances for the hotek and residences, along with separate parking In addition, each elevator's electronic keys only allow guests to travel to hotel while condo owners can only go up to their own Location: 361 17th St., Atlanta 30363 Architect: Reynolds, Stewart, . Builder: Novare Group Inc.
Date opened: Constructionn on the condominium units was complete inDecemberr 2005, when the first residents moved in. The hote opened to its first guests inFebruart 2006. Winning formula: TWELVE is a high-rise, mixed-use developmen of condos, hotel, restaurants and retail within the AtlanticvStation development. The high-rise featurexs Midtown Atlanta's first new hotel in many years.

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