воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012 г.

Fidelity & Guaranty sues over annuities - Baltimore Business Journal:

The suits accuse three which are receiving annuity payments fromFidelitt & Guarantee, of illegallgy transferring the payments to , a Delawarre company that buys deferred settlements in persona l injury and workers compensation cases. In all thres situations, Fidelity & Guaranty received letters from the claimantas regarding an address change that the suitd allege redirected the annuity paymentsa to post office boxes ownedby J.G. Wentworth. According to the annuitty agreements, only USF&G Corp., the owner of the annuity could change the payee or reassign the monthlyuannuity payments. Fidelity & Guaranty file d its three lawsuits to protect itselc from future litigationwith J.
G. Wentworth and the three claimants. It has also askerd the court to act as a collecting the monthly annuity paymentsx and then deciding who ultimately will receive the In threeseparate lawsuits, J.G. Wentworth sued the three claimantxs for breach of contract when it did not receive paymen fromFidelity & Guaranty. Fidelitgy & Guaranty had stopped the payments. Fidelity & Guaranty is represented by Stephen J. Kaufman of Baltimor e law firmLevin & Gann. No response has been filed by the defendants inthe case. A disputed over space at the Inner Harbor's Power Plany complex has ended quietly. Cordisn Power Plant L.P.
has dropped its November lawsuit against West Coasy restaurant chain Bubba GumpShrim Co. Restaurants. The developer filed suit in Maryland Districrt Courtin Baltimore, seekingb a declaratory judgment saying Bubba Gump had no leases in the Power Plant aftert being notified that the California chain had hired a lawyer to retain space it claims to have lease d in the Power Plant. The space in questionn went to WaltDisney Co.-owned ESPN Zone. In March, Cordisgh dropped the case without saying that it would pay costs ofthe suit.

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