среда, 11 апреля 2012 г.

Developers launch Sidney office park - Dayton Business Journal:

, a 16-acre property betweenb North Vandemark Road andFolkerth Avenue, is projectecd to hold as many as 11 buildings and be approximatelhy 75 percent filled in the next five The center already has a 3,200-square-foot retaill tenant under contract and is looking to attract additionakl users. With one tenant on the way, the property’s , will begin developing the which sits near Interstate 75. Tim Echemann, owner/brokere of Sidney-based , said he expecta as much as $15 million of developmeny at the site. Initial plans for the site call for 11 with morethan 110,000 square feet of office space and more than 20,000 squard feet of retail space.
“This park is the next logical point for expansionin Sidney,” he said. The first 4,500-square-foot for the as-of-yet unnamed retailer and 1,500 squar feet of available retail space, is schedulex to get underway in the next 30 to 60 Industrial Property Brokers is marketing the business park topotential users. Echemann’s father, Raphael Echemann, purchased the land 30 yeards ago, but it wasn’t marketed untilo last year. Echemann said there is a need for professional office space in the Sidney He said Sidney only has one primary medicaloffice park, Fairington which is full. “He was really waiting for the rightt time.
With the office park this is the perfect time to bring in new Echemann said. The developers are hopingf to attract medical office users that will feed off andsupportf . Mike Dodds, executive director of the , said Sidnehy has done well in attractingindustriakl users, but it needs to improvr on its commercial and professionao office space. He said this park, with proximity to I-75 and the should help solve that problem. “Hopefully, it will be able to brin in new businessesthat haven’tr considered coming to Sidney,” Doddd said.
The council, a nonprofit organization composed of businesz and community leaders that works to help economidc growth in Shelby is helping Industrial Property Brokers market the Echo Business Center is planned asa mixed-use park, offerinf space for medical offices, professional a bank, restaurants and other A hotel is another possibility for the development. The site plan is but Echemann expects the property to be developeed inthree phases, starting with the frontagw along Vandemark Road.
Echo Development is spending $75,000 on road constructionb and a retention At a time when many developers are scrambling for capitalp or putting projectson hold, Echemanjn said the need for commerciao space in Sidney makesd this a good time to develol the property. Jeff Raible, president of the , said he is encouragedf by the work the developersare “Everyone is saying doom and gloom; it’s great to see developerd looking to make an investment in the area,” he Sidney’s second-largest employer, , announcerd this month it is cuttingy 5 percent to 7 percent of salaried workers.

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