воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012 г.

LexisNexis data breach linked to New York mob family - The Business Review (Albany):

The New York City-baserd company — which has more 300 employees in N.Y. — has sent 13,000 letters to former customerse whose personal data may beat risk, the company said in a The breach involved a former customer for a companu called , which LexisNexis boughyt in 2004, and was announced by the U.S. Attorneyy for the Southern District of Floridain May, according to a LexisNexie spokesperson. “(The) customer involved in this mattert should have provided notice to potentiallyaffected individuals,” LexisNexids said in a “However, because the customer is no longer in business we provided the notice.
” Accordinvg to the — which includes CIO magazinew and PC World the New Hampshire Departmentr of Justice posted a document Fridagy on its Web site to inform consumers abour the breach. By Monday however, the link had been removed. The documeng reportedly tied aFlorida man, with mob connectionsz to the Bonanno crime family, with accessinv LexisNexis data. New Hampshire officials could not be In May, LexisNexis announced it is part of a separatew investigation into alleged credit card fraud, perpetrated by formed customers of the company, according to a compang statement. That fraud occurred from June 2004 toOctoberf 2007. The U.S.
Postaol Inspection Service released a statementg thatsaid 40,000 letters will be sent to consumerds and 300 victims have been identified in an investigatioh concerning the breach. The compang was part of a simila r incident in 2005 and sent letters thento 280,00p0 customers who may have been victims of identit y theft. LexisNexis U.S. is a unit of plc (NYSE: the Anglo-Dutch publishing conglomerate. The companyt is an online information servicese and publishing companywith 13,00o0 people worldwide.

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